Alignment, Entrepreneurship & Flow - A Podcast

What a pleasure to be featured on Cheryl Leitschuh's podcast: Straight Talk for Smart Business Women. Cheryl is a woman of wisdom, who shares freely through pen and voice, to help women build successful small businesses. 

In her latest episode, I share my own tips for entrepreneurial success through the lens of a healer and teacher. It's no secret that my clientele are often creatives and business owners, or fellow healers themselves.  What advice / tools do I use to be successful as an entrepreneur and what tools do I recommend for my clients? Simple. Give a listen.  (I even included a downloadable chart for those of us that want a map.)

You can visit Cheryl's podcast stream here, to learn more success principles from fellow entrepreneurs.

Alignment and Flow

Alignment is more than just a term that applies to spiritual practice, it applies to every area of our life, including entrepreneurship. Listen to the podcast and download my Alignment Map before, during, or after your listen.

Download: Alignment Map

How do you use this map to get back into the flow?

  1. As you listen to the podcast or read each quadrant's description simply take a temperature, without judgement or self beat-up, as to how you feel you are showing up in that quadrant of alignment. (25% or 100% in alignment?) Make a note on your map.
  2. Identify one area on the map you would like to see improvement.
  3. Use the tool in that quadrant to help get yourself back in alignment. Use my suggestions or create one of your own.
  4. Know that when you make an adjustment in any one of the four quadrants, you are bringing the entire whole back into alignment.

Wishing you flow and entrepreneurial empowerment,

Build Intuition through Your Learning Style

Building intuitive skills is a lot easier than people think. The key is to identify your own natural gifts and talents and expand your intuition in a way that innately works for you. The simplest way I have found is to understand your learning style.

To begin, let’s identify some of the major learning styles:

Visual: Visual learners absorb information through sight.  They are the ones found doodling in notebooks during class time or at meetings. They’re often copious note takers and may draw diagrams or visual representations of complex information. They can “see” patterns in their mind’s eye. When traveling, they orient their position by mapping it in their mind or by picking out features in their surroundings.  Often these folks have jobs as designers, visual artists, or stylists.  In their freetime, they may take joy in beautifying their home, painting and drawing, or experimenting with hairstyles and fashion.

Visual learners are sensitive to the visual cues surrounding them. Being in beautiful spaces, such as museums or gardens, can be a source of great joy and inspiration. Often, the way they dress, hairstyle, or accessories are an expression of how they are feeling. Getting ready in the morning can be a ritual in self-love, and feeling better can mean getting a haircut and putting on a shirt in their favorite color.

Auditory: Auditory learners absorb information through sound vibration. They are often found hanging on every word of a teacher or boss. They can recite song lyrics or movie quotes verbatim. Music can be used to shift their mood instantaneously and vocal exercises are a form of healing expression. Often these folks are speakers, presenters, musicians, and singers. In their free-time, they enjoy listening to podcasts and music, or playing with song lyrics and poetry.

Auditory learners are sensitive to sound vibration. It’s not just what is being said, but the way it is being said that matters. Innately, they can sense the vibrational frequency of sounds and the feeling behind them. They might sing in the shower, audibly record their thoughts, or talk to themselves aloud. These folks are sensitive to language, noise, and the way they are spoken to.

Kinesthetic: Kinesthetic learners absorb information through the bodily sensation. They are often found tapping a pen or bouncing a foot in the classroom or at a meeting. They may want to sit in the same chair for the test as they do for the lesson. They might remember where a teacher was standing as an anchor to particular bits of information. These folks absorb information through the act of doing. Often these are the folks that work with their hands, as crafters and makers. In their free-time they may do martial arts, yoga, and dance. Body movement is cathartic, a form of expression and release, and also a way of connecting with their own feelings or even learning about life’s greater lessons.

Kinesthetic learners are sensitive to their environment and their own body. They are careful to choose clothing with fabrics that help them to feel comfortable. The arrangement of furniture in the home, or Feng Shui, can elevate happiness. Exercise and active meditation are ritualistic forms of self-love.

Some folks have other styles of learning and sensitivity, such as olfactory (smell) and cognitive (knowing). While these are also exceptional forms of gathering information, for greater simplicity, I will focus on the predominating 3 (visual, auditory, kinesthetic).


Perhaps you can identify yourself in one, two, or all three learning styles.  Often, we have one predominating style and a secondary. What I have found in my own process of building intuition, is the more we exercise our predominating style of gaining information the greater “spill over.”  Essentially, what I mean by that is when we focus on the area of our greatest strength, our ability to gather information using our other non-dominant faculties also increases.

Simply identify your predominating style and start there.


Let’s go deeper, shall we?

When working with my clients in an emotional healing session, predominating styles of intuition are easy to identify. In working with my clients, and in my own journey, patterns have arisen in that may be helpful in your own identification and cultivation of intuitive faculties. Here is a short list of intuitive faculties common to each learning style, patterns of imbalance, and modalities for care and attunement of your intuitive style.


Intuitive faculties:

Seeing auras or chakras.
An ability to envision solutions or a pathway forward.
Seeing the best in others or in situations.

These folks may be visionaries and seers. They have a gift for recognizing opportunities, potentials, and outcomes before they become manifest. They see signs and symbols all around them - in nature, their dreams, or as visual flashes in the screen of the mind.

Patterns of imbalance:

Focusing on negative outcomes or worst case scenarios.
Exhaustion or tension behind the eyes, often related to the need to know or see everything before it happens.
Lack of presence or grounding, often related to projecting energy / focus too far into the future.

Care and attunement of visual intuition (clairvoyance):

Vision boarding.
Visioning exercises - visually playing out the outcome you want to experience.
Beautifying your home environment, office, or bedroom.
Visiting visually-stimulating places.
Taking pictures, painting, creating art.
Doing something for yourself that helps you to look and feel beautiful.


Intuitive faculties:

Hearing spiritual or higher guidance.
Heightened or empathic listening, the ability to “hear” what is said beyond the words being spoken.
Keen attunement to noise or sound beyond average perception.
Ability to heal, affirm, and inspire others through words or music.

These folks may be orators and musicians, and/or have an ability to acutely hear a broader spectrum of sound. A bird call, siren, or certain song on the radio can hold significant meaning for these intuitive types.

Patterns of imbalance:

Use of low-vibrational language that is sarcastic, critical, judgmental or manipulative.
Poor inner dialogue, harsh criticism of self.
Ringing ears as a result of not wanting to hear the truth.
Gossip, verbal diarrhea, repeating of old stories and non-truths, or outmoded ways of being.

Care and attunement of visual intuition (clairaudience):

Sound baths.
Affirmations, spoken aloud.
Listening to music or podcast that uplift and inspire.
Listening or telling of stories.
Rhythmic meditations, such as drumming or chanting.


Intuitive faculties:

Empathic feeling / sensing of other people's’ emotions.
Feeling the energy in a room of environment.
Body energetic healing of themselves or others.
Goosebumps or other sensory indicators.

These folks may be massage therapists, Qigong masters, martial artists, or yogis.  The are adept at gaining information or healing others through body movement. They can often feel depleted or energized by the environmental or energetic vibrations of those around them.

Patterns of imbalance:

Exhaustion or depletion due to lack of energetic boundaries.
The need to take energy from others due to lack of energetic boundaries.
Hypochondria or obsession over the inner functions or reactions of the body.
Rashes, toxic sensitivity, injury, and digestive issues.

Care and attunement of visual intuition (clairsentience):

Epsom salt baths.
Smudging with sage and other forms of space or personal energy clearing.
Movement exercises such as Tai Chi or Qigong.
Energy movement practices such as hands on healing, massage, or reiki.
Shared space in places of high vibration (sacred sites, temples, nature).
Shares space with those that carry high vibration (healers, teachers, senseis, sages).

Intuitive Empowerment:


Empowering our innate intuition is the ability to gather more information in any given circumstance allowing us to make better decisions in any given moment. With practice, intuition helps us to master energy.

We can envision the lives we want to create, seeing ourselves into a greater good.
We can listen for guidance, using our words as a tool to uplift, inspire, and affirm.
We can attune to the energy, affixing ourselves to a higher vibration that heals ourselves and others.

This is beyond intuition - this is the ability to command your energy within an energetic Universe.

Heart Chakra: Compassionate Connection

At the center of the body, the heart chakra brings everything into balance through the frequency of Love.

*To get an overview on the seven chakras, you can visit my earlier post here: Chakra Crash Course



This chakra is located in and just below the chest.  This is the seat of self-compassion, acceptance, and unconditional love. The heart chakra governs the heart, lungs, upper back, thymus gland, and our immunity.


  • Color: Green
  • Essential Oils: Rose, Geranium, and Marjoram
  • Music Note: F
  • Element: Air


The heart chakra is the meeting place between two worlds: the higher realm (crown, third eye, and throat chakras) and the lower realm (solar plexus, sacral, and root chakras). This is significant, as our heart chakra is the bridge between our spiritual and earthly connection.

Those with a healthy heart chakra are in balance with their higher awareness and physical vitality.  These individuals are mission-oriented, practicing compassion for themselves, others, and the world at large.

A healthy heart chakra is an integral part of alignment (mind, body, spirit, and emotions).  In particular, I have found the heart chakra to balance out heaviness and overactivity in the mental body. The heart has a language all its own. When we can come out of the head, and approach situations and people from the heart, we change the paradigm from duality (right / wrong) to a higher frequency of unity, love, and peace.

Think about it, Dr. Martin Luther King lead from the heart, unifying opposition through compassionate, nonviolent activism. Mother Teresa became a Nobel Peace Prize winner through her loving service to others and Mahatma Gandhi said, “Where there is love there is life.”

Profound shifts in the paradigms of humanity reside in the heart.



Patterns of imbalance can happen on a continuum.  I tend to describe this as leaking or stagnating energy in our chakras. As a facilitator, these are some of the heart chakra imbalances in both of these extremes:

If you are spilling out energy in your heart chakra, you may notice in yourself or in others:

  • A constant need to rescue others
  • Attachment to crisis situations
  • People pleasing
  • Over-mothering
  • Love that becomes destructive
  • Nurturing / giving as a form of control
  • Overly sweet (think of sugar and its effect on the body)
  • Desperation / need for approval

When we are under-energized in the heart chakra, you may notice in yourself or in others:

  • Holding grudges
  • Blocking the flow of love
  • Inability to give or receive words or acts of love
  • Abandonment
  • Orphan energy
  • Hopelessness / apathy
  • Dispassionate with self or others
  • Self-betrayal


Heart chakra healing is integral to every emotional healing session. Each session offers an opportunity to move to a place of forgiveness, and to understand the loving intent of an experience. This component of an emotional healing session opens the heart chakra to the flow of love through the doorway of forgiveness.

When we forgive others, we become free of our own attachment to people, situations, painful experiences, and belief systems. This brings the mind, body, spirit, and emotions to a deep place of healing. We no longer need to cope with the pain through negative behaviors.

Where there was isolation, we can now find connection.
Where there was grief, we now find understanding.
And where there was fear, we may return to love.


Every act of forgiveness is also an act of self-forgiveness.

This is worth repeating...

Every act of forgiveness is also an act of self-forgiveness.

I am proposing that every time we are in a place of forgiveness, we are also in a place of forgiveness towards self. Though we may feel we are only offering forgiveness to another, we are in fact at the same time offering forgiveness within. This can take many forms, a few examples may include:

Forgiving self for…

What might have been
What has been lost
Blocking the flow of love
Holding on
Inward-directed anger

The process of self-forgiveness is life altering. I truly believe this is one of the greatest acts of healing we can perform.



A common theme I see with my clients is conditional love towards self.

Does your inner dialogue sound like this?

“I will love myself when I have the perfect body / relationship / job.”
“I will love myself when I achieve this goal or level of success.”
“I will love myself when I make the money I want, have the ideal relationship, or am the perfect parent.”

This is conditional love towards self; and you are not alone.

Based on what we were taught by society, our primary care givers, and educational / religious institutions we may carry the belief that love is a byproduct of what we DO in the world. As children, we are often rewarded by love for good behavior, a game well-played, or a good grade. Hugs, high-fives, and affirmations are given for our acts. We are told that love acquired through acts of service and kindness to others.

While much of this is good and well-meaning, it can also inform the false pretense that love may only be gained through acts of doing and/or accumulated from others.

The truth is, we are worthy because we exist.
We are lovable and loving.
The essence of our existence is Love.

The truth is, we can love ourselves now.

Healing with the heart chakra is as simple and profound as loving ourselves unconditionally. By continually forgiving ourselves, practicing total self-compassion and self-acceptance, the greater the Love we may know. This love is not behest to circumstance. It is unflappable. It is the loving Mother / Father there to catch us when we fall, breathing words of belief into our core, and cheering us on as we return to our feet. Wherever you are on the journey, it is available to you at all times and all places.

The greater our ability to cultivate our own self love, the greater our ability to forgive, accept, and love others.


When healing the heart chakra, one piece of guidance I tend to offer is to re-imagineer our source of love. Our ability to love ourselves is often related to our relationship with Mother / Father / God (Source, Creation, Allah, the All and All). (For simplicity’s sake, I will refer to this as Mother / Father / God.)

When I say re-imagineer, I am asking a client to access the most loving potential of Mother (yin), Father (yang), and God (all and all) energy fathomable. For some of us, this may have been difficult depending on the experiences in our youth.  So using our imaginative faculties, we can build a new, greater version of these all-loving energies:

Mother: perhaps you can use your own mother, or aspects of your mother that felt loving, nurturing, and kind. You can add in other Mother-type examples, maybe an aunt, grandmother, or mentor. Perhaps you can call on Kuan Yin, Mother Earth, or Mother Mary to experience the unwavering support of archetypal All Mother, yin energy.

Father: again, perhaps your own father, or aspects of him can paint the All Father, yang energy - our great Protector. You can add in other examples such as uncles, grandfathers, or perhaps a teacher. You can call on Archangel Michael, Father Sky, or Jesus to experience the total solidity of the archetypal All Father, yang energy.

Can you feel that? It’s powerful.

This becomes the new channel through which we can have our inner dialogue.

If we could hear through the perspective of Mother / Father / God what would it sound like?
If we could see ourselves through the eyes of Mother / Father / God what would we look like?
If we could know for ourselves what Mother / Father / God knows for us, what new awareness might we arrive at?

This is a wonderful process to move through in times of difficulty.  I might also recommend using this methodology as often as possible, in any and all of life’s circumstances, without condition.

The beauty of this exercise is that while it may feel foreign at first, overtime we begin to form the habit of speaking, viewing, and knowing a higher frequency of love. Eventually, we fully integrate an ability to speak love, see love, and know love.  

And what we extend to ourselves, we more freely give unto others: forgiveness, acceptance, and compassion.  By knowing the good in ourselves, we come to know the good in others.