Energizing the sacral chakra: The art of allowing & creative flow
As I mentioned earlier in this post, our culture tends to support willpower (the energy of pushing) and tends to diminish the feminine-creative aspect of allowing (the energy of receiving). For this post, I would like to share a simple practice to open up and energize our sacral chakra.
Have you ever experienced being in a state of joy, and the feeling of flowing through a day? Instead of ticking boxes off a checklist, you seem to have the right conversations, with the right people, at the right time, and things seem to magically and effortlessly come together. That added smile at your local coffee shop, sparks a short, loving conversation with a barista. And the simple affirmation to your child results in a heartfelt hug. These experiences happen because self-love is contagious. When you are in love with your life, other people experience love in your presence.
Do you know what the most important part of any equation in life is? You. So if you are experiencing lack or limitation in life, relationships, boundaries, romance, money or otherwise, it is often because we have not extended those things to yourself first.
I suggest a process of reverse engineering. First, pinpoint the area of lack or limitation. Let’s use a man who has been married a number of years, but feels undervalued and underappreciated by his partner. Here are some of the questions I might ask this person:
Have you ever taken yourself out on date, cooked yourself a nice meal, or spent a day or night romancing your inner God/Goddess?
Meaning, does this person connect with his own sexual / creative energy to bring romance, beauty, and zest into his personal life.
What do you do for yourself that feels creative and inspired?
Meaning, does he exercise his own creativity to feed his spirit, taking personal responsibility for feeling alive, enthusiastic and abundant in his own life.
How do you treat yourself, moment-to-moment, day-to-day?
Meaning, how is he teaching others to treat him?
In essence, how we treat ourselves, teaches others how to treat us in-return
When we heal patterns of imbalance in ourselves, we heal the patterns of imbalance in our relationships.
I typically recommend that we focus on one area that feels the most sticky. For instance, if we get to the question of, “What do you do for yourself that feels creative and inspired?” And the reaction is a laundry list of family responsibilities, lack of time, and even disgust at the suggestion of taking time for oneself as being “selfish,” we know we’ve hit the sticky question. This can just be an indication that this area of our life requires a bit of attention. Sometimes resistance is our friend in helping to distinguish where our attention needs to go.
I would then suggest that this client take 3 hours a week to do something creative and inspired. This will feel completely foreign to most people, maybe even totally irresponsible. These are common reactions to a sacral chakra out-of-balance. But this is where the magic happens. For when we take time to feed our inspirations and desires, we enter into a space of enthusiasm and happiness, reigniting our love of life. What most people begin to notice is that when they love life, life begins to flow, things come together, and we open ourselves up to partake and allow in the fruits of life.